
Feeling like you want more support?

Please consider joining us in the Monad Society Community as this course is included in the monthly membership along with all other digital courses. 

We would love to have you in our live classes to encourage a deeper level of safety and support as you release patterns of the past to expand into the BEing you came here to be. 

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Release and Rise | The Turning Point

This course is intended to cover the basis of having your power stripped or taken from you in the act of betrayal, being lied to, any form of abuse, mental, emotional or physical, and particularly to face that stage of forgiveness you just simply cannot face.

It's not worth it to you to harbor hate, or the grudge that won't go away.

That person's name you hear and your body stiffens, your heart beats faster and you find yourself making a face of disgust.

Yeah, that part.

That part I am going to teach you how to approach these feelings within to bring unconditional peace to your core.

The release and healing of these experiences is a blessing to you. A peace within that will free you from your own chains. This, I want for you, deeply.

Which is the intention of creating, leading and holding space for your emergence.

You see, all these lower frequencies that you hold toward a particular experience, they are still living inside of you, unconsciously weighing you down from experiencing the lightness you deserve. (WE WILL HAVE NONE OF THIS IN 2021 and beyond.)

Forgiveness is powerful medicine to your soul.
This is NOT where we will start.

We will start by reflecting and developing a sense of unparalleled self-awareness and honesty. This alone will create space and lightness in your heart. By the time we get to forgiveness you're going to feel like Oprah...

But instead of giving everyone a free car, your going to be blasting forgiveness like it's your freaking J-O-B! Bam.

You're forgiven, AND You're forgiven AND You're forgiven!!!

And then... you know what happens with all this space inside your heart?

YOU get to fill it with allllll the good good lovin you have been holding out on giving yourself. Double BAM!

So, if you're in, Let's GO!!

I can assure you once you learn these practices you will have them for the rest of your life. What is that actually worth to you?

A lifetime of easing through pain like your the Captain of the Black Pearl... I'll take two please.

>> Jump in now before this goes away.

Sending you infinite grace in love and more,


PS. Did I mention that you will have access to the recordings of the classes to refer back to when you get triggered or go through another rough patch life may dish you?

I mean, it's like the gift that keeps on giving really. *wink

And when you can laugh at my jokes with me, it'll be that much more fun! Because I can promise I will do everything in my power to make this healing as easy as possible. I know the path of healing well at this point and I am dedicated to finding a way that is wayyyyy more fun than going into the deep digging and re-experiencing the shit that got you here in the first place.

Let's rewire through joy as best we can, yes?



***Alright my love, if you are reading this message, you are seeing a special offer that is available on this page ONLY. 

It means you are reading this before September 15, 2021 and have a couple weeks before our live transmissions begin. 

During this time, you will have the chance to tune into 7 Weeks to Embody your Higher Self and begin your experience of upleveling even before we begin. 

You also will get instant access to our Conscious Energy Body Bundle that will help you jump start your awareness of how to tune into and fully trust your intuition as well as the first series of Release and Rise classes. (Keep in mind, they are full on already and were recorded about a year and a half ago the first time I led this course.) 

There is so much goodness here for you to tune into and take advantage of!!

Our live classes begin Thursday October 7, at 5pm PST/8pm PST

Each class will be held as a one hour transmission with two group meeting deep dives, dates and times TBD. 

You are held and witnessed in love as we embark on this journey together. 

